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  • Szukasz po tagu: funkcje php
  • Ilość rekordów w bazie: 3

fitrowanie kluczy z dodawaniem prefixu

$data = [
    ['test' => 'xxxx'],
    ['test' => 'aaaa'],
    ['test' => 'z2Gtui345mxQp'],
    ['test222' => 'z2Gtui345mxQp']
$key = 'test';
$groupedData = array_map(fn ($item) => sprintf('API_%s', ($item[$key] ?? '')), $data);
$groupedData2 = array_map(function ($item) use ($key) {
    return sprintf('API_%s', $item[$key] ?? '');
}, $data);
array(4) {
  string(8) "API_xxxx"
  string(8) "API_aaaa"
  string(17) "API_z2Gtui345mxQp"
  string(4) "API_"

array filter instancji z tablicy

array_filter($maybeOfferDTOs, static function ($offer) {
   return $offer instanceof OfferDTO;


$number = 9;
$str = "Beijing";
$ben = "pikawa";

$txt = sprintf("There are %u million bicycles in %shaaaa %s",$number,$str, $ben);
echo $txt;

There are 9 million bicycles in Beijinghaaaa pikawa